Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Sleeping Beauty - Honey Lemon Face Mask

Aye TaiTai is vain. Yes, she admits it. So she constantly sources the internet lah, books lah, people's word of mouth lah, for recommendations on how to further "beautify" herself. (Errrm, not that she is a "beauty" herself lah, but chey, no harm looking better anytime, all the time right?)

One fine day, she spotted a recommendation on her friend's Facebook - the use of honey with a fresh lemon for a face mask. Nice... and not as messy as egg!

So she turned on her computer and sourced through this thing called the World Wide Web. Here's the gist of it:

  1. Squeeze 1/2 a lemon into a bowl.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of honey.
    (Remember not to use a metal spoon with your honey!)
  3. Mix it with a spoon until the lemon juice is blended into the denser honey.
  4. Tie up your hair or use a hairband.
  5. Apply it all your face.
    (There are some versions which recommend avoid the eye area, but Aye TaiTai figured since this is more a moisturizing mask with no astringent effect, it's ok to use it around the eyes and mouth areas.)
  6. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, or till it dries.
  7. Apply another 1-2 layers after it dries for a better effect.
  8. Rinse it off with water or a mild facial foam.
  9. Continue this for 2-3 times per week for about a month for best results.
Feel the difference!


Aye TaiTai likes to use a cut lemon. She cuts a lemon into four pieces from pointed end to pointed end. A few drops of honey is added on to the lemon slice before she applies it to her face. The lemon slice acts as a sponge to absorb the honey. It also prevents the occurrence of sticky honey-stained fingers.

The Science Behind It All

Lemon brightens and exfoliates. It is a fruit rich in Vitamin C, which acts as an anti-oxidant to prevent wrinkles, sunburn and fights free radicals which can cause blemishes and acne. It is also a natural cleanser and an organic spot eraser. Continued use will lighten your face and clear up clogged pores.

On the other hand, honey is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. It absorbs impurities from the pores and the skin, and has a slight moisturizing effect. So the end result is clear baby smooth skin!